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Saturday, January 4, 2014

New Year: On "What I Want to be When I Grow Up"

In Which... Oliver shares his desire to be a cute Tumblr boy when he grows up.

After sharing a look at his upcoming novel, "Lies," (more info at www.oliverdahl.com/lies) Oliver rants and gives you some cheesy inspiration about getting started now to accomplish what you want.

"Why do we have to 'grow up' to be what we want to be?"

"Buy the train tickets to your ideal future destination now, so you don't find yourself on the wrong train going the wrong direction, with not enough time to turn back."

Think those'll hit the quote books eventually? Yeah, probably not. Maybe that's a good thing. Cheese overload.

My website: www.oliverdahl.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/authorOliverDahl
Twitter: www.twitter.com/OliverWDahl
Tumblr (where I try to be cute): www.oliverwdahl.tumblr.com
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